Single-Hung vs Double-Hung Window Comparison

We often get asked what the difference is between single-hung vs. double-hung windows? Here we’ll take a look at the features of each window style and how they can function in your home.

Single-Hung Windows

In a single-hung window, the bottom sash moves up and down, while the upper sash is fixed in place. Single-hung are a top choice for new construction, apartment buildings, offices and other buildings because they are less expensive than double-hung windows.  However, single-hung windows do have limitations. Since the upper sash cannot be opened to increase air flow, they offer less ventilation. Single-hung windows are also more difficult to clean because the bottom sash is the only sash that can be tilted in. This means homeowners can only clean the upper surface of the window from the outside – a challenging task for difficult-to-reach windows.

Double-Hung Windows

are more versatile than single-hungs because they offer the freedom to open both the top and bottom sashes for better air flow and ventilation. In addition, the sashes can be tilted down and in for simple and convenient cleaning. This eliminates the need for special equipment or a professional window cleaner to clean windows not on the ground floor.

Take a Look at THEBCO Windows

Your choice between single-hung and double-hung windows will likely come down to your budget and your desire for convenience. While a double-hung may cost more upfront, in the long run the added convenience and durability could make the extra expense worth it. Thebco offers expertly crafted windows in both styles. For more information on window styles, check out our window page at or download our Window Shoppers Guide (pdf).

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